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 “Organizational dehumanization : toward a better understanding of its nomological network” (2019-2023). Doctoral dissertation by Constantin Lagios. Advisor: Gaëtane Casens

The project focused on the emloyee-employer relationship and, more precisely, on the deshumanization construct. It examined the organizational and work-related factors that may lead to organizational dehumanization, as well as the harmful consequences it has for both employees and organizations. It also aimed at identifying the mechanisms that may explain these deleterious consequences. 


“Questioning, extending, and integrating what we know about emotional intelligence in career development” (2017-2022). Doctoral dissertation by Thomas Pirsoul. Advisor: Frédéric Nils

The PhD project aimed to investigate the role of emotional intelligence in career development. As the majority of studies were cross-sectional and focused on variable-centered approches, the aims of this project was to extend the investigation of emotional intelligence with longitudinal and person-centered approaches in career development.


“Emotional anticipation of future vocational transitions : a person-centered approach” (2016-2021). Doctoral dissertation by Michaël Parmentier. Advisor: Frédéric Nils

The aim of his PhD was to investigate how individuals emotionally anticipate several major educational and career transitions: the transition from high school to higher education, the transition from higher education to the job market, and the transition from unemployment to employment. More specifically, he is interested in investigating the specific combinations of emotional anticipation as well as several antecedents (e.g., career adaptability, emotion regulation) and outcomes (e.g., vocational behaviors) of individuals' emotional anticipation at the prospect of these transitions.


"Déshumanisation organisationnelle et travail émotionnel : sourire ou ne pas sourire lorsque nous sommes déshumanisés par notre organisation" (2020). Doctoral dissertation by Nathan Nguyen. Advisor: Florence Stinglhamber

Professional life requires employees to manage their emotions, known as emotional labor (EL). Much of the existing literature on EL was devoted to identifying the factors that lead employees to perform EL as part of their job. Among them, the quality of treatment received is a situational factor that has received considerable attention from scholars. Several studies indeed indicate that employees who feel mistreated by customers, coworkers, or supervisor are more likely to perform EL. However, none of these studies have considered the potential influence of a mistreatment from the abstract and distal entity that is the organization. Therefore, this dissertation aims to explore the link between organizational mistreatment, through the concept of organizational dehumanization, and emotional labor and to expand our knowledge of this relationship.


"Quelles opportunités pour un mieux vieillir au travail ?" (2020). Doctoral dissertation by Hélène Henry. Advisor: Donatienne Desmette

Despite the legislative tools that aimed at increasing the employment rate of older workers, this rate remains particularly low in Belgium. In order to identify the factors that likely support the intention to remain at work, the main objective of this thesis is to identify the variables of the work context that provide opportunities for “successful aging at work”. On the basis of the lifespan theories of socio-emotional selectivity and selective optimisation with compensation, we consider two variables that are likely to extend occupational future time perspective: work-family enrichment and human resources practices. By investigating the effects of these variables on occupational future time perspective, well-being and preretirement intentions, the results of this thesis allowed the identification of new opportunities for successful ageing at work.


“The influence of perceived organizational support on employees' attitudes and behaviors: Examination of a relative perception” (2012-2016). Doctoral dissertation by Gaëtane Caesens. Advisor: Florence Stinglhamber

Perceived organizational support (POS) has been defined as the employees' global beliefs that the organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being (Eisenberger, Huntington, Hutchison, & Sowa, 1986). This topic has been largely investigated in the literature in organizational psychology. Surprisingly, however, social comparison processes intervening in this perception were totally neglected in this literature. Filling this gap, the objective of this research project is to examine the effects of a relative, and not absolute, perception of organizational support on employees’ attitudes and behaviors at work.


“Ingroup bias and discrimination from high status groups: context influence and underlying processes” (2010-2014). Doctoral dissertation by Marie Courtois. Advisor: Ginette Herman

Discrimination is still very present at the work place. Crandall and Eshleman (2003) propose a heuristic model that predicts expression of the prejudice. Two forces are into play. The first force consists in the suppression of prejudice. That is a motivated attempt to reduce, deny or avoid the expression of prejudice. The second force is justification. It refers to processes that can serve as an opportunity to express prejudice without incurring sanction. These processes will be studied from the perspective of high status groups, namely, managers who have some power in their organizations and in interaction with organizational context.


“More competent but less warm? Perceptions about volunteers and organizational consequences in the changing context of volunteer work” (2012-2016). Doctoral dissertation by Edwine Goldoni. Advisors: Donatienne Desmette and Ginette Herman

Volunteering has received an increasing interest in work and organizational psychology. However, little is known about relations between paid workers and volunteers. Furthermore, recent studies in social economy show that social enterprises (SE) are turning more professional, for instance by adjusting their managerial practices. This may blur occupational role in SE and increase competition between paid and non-paid workers. The objective of this project is to examine the effects of the professionalization of SE on intergroup relations between paid workers and volunteers (e.g., stereotypes, emotions and behaviors) as well as identity dynamics developed by these two groups. The consequences for individuals (e.g., well-being) and organisations (e.g., job satisfaction and intention to stay) are also examined. 


“The influence of employer branding on candidates' and employees' attitudes and behaviors” (2007-2013). Doctoral dissertation by Dorothée Hanin. Advisors: Florence Stinglhamber and Nathalie Delobbe

The purpose of our research is to understand how candidates and employees perceive communications diffused by a/their company about the benefits (e.g., tangibles and intangibles) it offers as an employer (employer branding) and the influence of these perceptions on their attitudes and behaviors. Moreover, this project aims to study psychological mechanisms that might explain these relationships (i.e. perceived organizational support; feelings of organizational pride). 


“Organizational identification and affective commitment: An integrative approach” (2009-2013) Doctoral dissertation by Géraldine Marique.


« Abandonner le contrôle sans perdre le contrôle : Une investigation du rôle de la confiance des subordonnés envers leur manager comme un levier potentiel du contrôle organisationnel » (2012) Doctoral dissertation by Fabrice De Zanet. Advisors: Florence Stinglhamber and Jean-Marie Dujardin, HEC-ULg


“Ageism at work: Impact of social and organizational context” (2008-2012) Doctoral dissertation by Caroline Iweins. Advisors: Donatienne Desmette and Vincent Yzerbyt


« Les processus de justification dans la discrimination à l’embauche » (2011) Doctoral dissertation by Stéphanie Delroisse. Advisors: Ginette Herman and Vincent Yzerbyt


« Lorsque l’âge se fait menace : Une analyse psychosociale du vieillissement au travail » (2008) Doctoral dissertation by Mathieu Gaillard. Advisors: Donatienne Desmette and Pierre Feyereisen


« Des conséquences de la stigmatisation aux stratégies de défense de soi: le cas des personnes sans emploi » (2005) Doctoral dissertation by David Bourguignon.  Advisors: Ginette Herman and Vincent Yzerbyt

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